Surfing Covers Early 1900s

SMH has curated a number of important magazines, newspapers, and periodicals from the early 1900s that feature surfing in Hawaii on their covers. Condition varies, but even the most weathered among them are beautiful in their own right, and tell a tale of their time here on Earth. We will feature all of these extremely rare pieces below once we have the opportunity to retrieve them from the archive. For now, here are a select few for your viewing pleasure (click on the image for each to view details):

Vintage Magazines Surfing Cover - Travel
Vintage Newspaper Surfing Cover
San Francisco Chronicle December 4 1921
World Outlook Magazine Surfing Cover May 1920-2

Museum Hours

Opening 2026

Museum Location

Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Oahu HI

Welcome to the birthplace of surfing